Feast of the New Moon

Thoth 𓁟

is the God of the Moon, keeper of records and time, God of mathematics, magic, medicine, astronomy, writing, architecture, science, geometry and wisdom- teacher of teachers.

Feast of Psedje(n)tyu - Feast of the New Moon - Thoth is the God of the Feast

As our modern day calendar is a derivative of the calendar from the ancient world, you could say that Thoth is still working with us through our sacred holidays, as keeper of time. And so, under this ethereal Pisces New Moon, let’s explore some of the miraculous mysteries of this very ancient and multi-encompassing Moon God.

Thoth’s Egyptian name was Djehuty


"I am Djehuty the skilled scribe whose hands are pure, a possessor of purity, Who drives away evil, Who writes what is true, Who detests falsehood, Whose pen defends the Lord of all; master of laws Who interprets writings, Whose words establish the Two lands.

"I am the Lord of Justice, One truly precise to the Gods, Who judges a matter so that it may come into being; Who vindicates him whose voice is hushed; Who dispels darkness and clears away the storm. I have given sweet breath of the north wind to Wesir as when He went forth from the womb of Her Who bore Him."

"I am Djehuty, the favored of Ra; Lord of strength Who enables Him Who made Him; great of magic in the Bark of Millions of Years; master of laws who makes the Two Lands content; Whose power protects Her Who bore Him; Who gets rid of noise and quells uproar; Who does what Ra in His shrine approves."

~quotes selected by Djehutymose from The Papyrus of Ani, translated by Dr. Raymond O. Faulkner


He does however have many many Epithets, some of which I’m sharing here for you to contemplate in honor of his wisdom, lineage and antiquity.

Greek Epitaphs

Trismégistos/τρισμέγιστοϛ : Thrice greatest 'three times' (applied to Hermes as well)

Ermea o melae/ ΕΡΜΗΣ Ο ΜΕΓΑΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΕ : Hermes Trismegistos

Θωνθ ω ω ω νοβ Ζμουν / ⲑⲱⲩⲑ ⲱ ⲱ ⲱ ⲛⲟⲃ 𐋵ⲙⲟⲩⲛ (Old Coptic), ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ (ⲱ , ⲟ , ⲁⲓ) ⲛⲉⲃ/ⲛⲏⲃ ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ / DHwti aA aA aA nb xmnw : Thoth, thrice great, lord of Hermopolis

Ermês ho Trismégistos/Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "Hermes thrice-great"

Papyrus of Ani weighing of the heart scene. Ancient Egyptian graphics

Papyrus of Ani - weighing of the heart scene

bxn-Snw = Does not accept bribes

di anx mi ra Dt = giving life like Re forever (479 Engraved, Millawi Museum)

DHwty imy Xmnw = Djehuty/Thoth in the Hermopolis (Book of the Dead)

DHwty iqr = The excellent Djehuty/Thoth

DHwty nb mdw nTr aA nTr nb imntt = Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, great god, lord of the Underworld (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)

DHwty nb mdw nTr = Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words

DHwty nb mdw nTr sS n nTrw = Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, scribe of the gods (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)

DHwty nswt HH = Djehuty/Thoth the King of eternity (Book of the Dead)

AI image of Thoth depicted in an Egyptian pyramid with a glowing orb

Art by Bruno Fuga

The Emerald Tablets state that he is from the Atlantean epoch and passed down the cultivated wisdom to the dynastic Egyptians which attests for their sudden full language appearing from nowhere in the anthropological sense.

Thoth brought me into the Egyptian Mysteries in 2001, and continues to be a guide to this day, having brought teacher after teacher into my life that are aligned with his attributes. He states in the Emerald Tablets that we must not keep wisdom only for ourselves, it  must be shared.


I love sharing so much of what has been valuable and life-transforming from my ‘Thoth’ teachers, with my Son, in my sacred journeys in Egypt and with the 2 amazing cohorts of students in our online mystery school, MA’AT.

Some exciting news is that I am building a store on my website with my wonderful assistant Paulina, and will have downloadable bundles available for purchase for those of you who want to experience Neteru embodiment and learn some powerful, ancient practices that are deeply beneficial for today’s world.

I’m looking forward to sharing these wisdom bundles with you all very soon, and am wishing you a beautiful New Moon journey through the Piscean depths.

Ibis mural in Lower Haight, San Francisco with woman standing in front posing wearing a colorful jacket

Photo taken by my 6 year old son, Leonardo with this gorgeous ibis mural in Lower Haight, San Francisco, created by @rileyliart

Wearing my St. Moritz jacked by La Double J from the Egyptian collection- inspired by JJ’s first trip to Egypt in April of 2022 on Awakening the Divine’s Sacred Initiation Journey

Dua Thoth
Lord of the Priests, Lord of the Scribes

With love & blessings,


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