Medical Qigong- Energetic Medicine

Welcome to the transformative world of Medical Qigong (pronounced chee-gong), an ancient Chinese healing system that dates back as far as 4000 BC. As described by the National Qigong Association, Qigong combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and focused awareness to restore balance and harmony within the body.

Often referred to as "acupuncture without needles," Medical Qigong works by manipulating the body’s energy system, making it a powerful option for managing chronic, debilitating, and hard-to-treat conditions. It is also recognized for its effectiveness in preventing disease and promoting overall well-being.

Meet Dr. Dee Kennedy, D.C.E.M. – Revered High Priestess and Medical Qigong Doctor

It all started with a sincere prayer at the foot of Sekhmet. In my 18 years of journeying to Egypt + working with her medicine, one thing I know, She WILL move mountains to bring forth the hearts desire. Those mountains are in the form of sacrifice, be it challenging thought patterns, blindspots, unhealthy relationships- she brings the fires of transformation into every single aspect of life to bring a prayer to fruition.

In that deep, heart-felt prayer, I requested her assistance in bringing me a teacher whom I could learn temple science from.

Sekhmet is the Patron of Doctors, healers + physicians.

Firstly, couple days later, I was connected directly to the profound work of dear Dr. Ibrahim Karim and then, upon leaving Egypt, again within a matter of days, I was introduced to the sublime work of Qigong Grandmaster + Daoist Abbot Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and was swiftly accepted as his student.

The next 5 years, under his tutelage, l trained, with a cohort of amazing students, an ancient system that would teach me the science behind healing, magic, sound and energy medicine, all held in the container of a Daoist temple, Bian Hua Gong (Temple of change and transformation). Just like in Ancient Egypt, where science, medicine and magic were all interconnected + many Priest/esses were also doctors and physicians - my prayer had manifested in to the most epic way, impacting deeply my service work, spiritual growth, my personal life and inner world.

Sifu Johnson is a black belt in Shaolin Kung Fu, so that tied in for me too with my 10+years of Shaolin!

In 2024, I was bestowed the title of Doctor of Chinese Energetic Medicine, having completed 5 years of studying, training and practicing Medical Qigong.

I am so grateful to Sifu J for his guidance, his good humour in how he teaches and the scope of what he shared with us. So grateful to Sifu Erika, Sifu Will, Sifu Diego, Sifu Chris and Sifu Singh for all your support and care.

Dr. Dee Kennedy DCEM- Revered High Priestess and Medical Qigong Doctor
Dr. Dee Kennedy DCEM & Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson
Doctors of Energetic Medicine- Medical Qigong


  • Medical Qigong is a time-honored healing practice rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, designed to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is based on the understanding that the body’s energy, or "qi," flows through specific pathways called meridians. When this energy is blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical or emotional issues. Medical Qigong works by restoring this balance and allowing the body’s natural healing abilities to function optimally.

    Unlike traditional Qigong, which is often practiced for general health and longevity, Medical Qigong is specifically tailored to address individual health concerns. It uses a combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and focused attention to manipulate the body’s energy system and treat a wide range of conditions. Often referred to as "acupuncture without needles," Medical Qigong shares the same goal of restoring harmony to the energy system but without the use of needles or invasive techniques.

    It’s an effective holistic therapy for those looking to treat chronic illnesses, manage pain, improve emotional well-being, and prevent disease by boosting the body’s energy flow. It can be used on its own or alongside other medical treatments to support your overall health and recovery.

  • Medical Qigong works by restoring the natural flow of energy, or "qi," in the body, using techniques that combine movement, breathwork, and focused intention. By addressing energy imbalances, Medical Qigong helps clear blockages that can cause physical and emotional health problems. It also strengthens the body’s energy field, enhancing its natural ability to heal itself.

    This practice can support a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, and immune system issues. It is also beneficial for respiratory conditions, cardiovascular health, neurological disorders, reproductive health, and even cancer support. Beyond treating specific conditions, Medical Qigong is highly effective for boosting overall well-being and disease prevention.

    If you're seeking a holistic approach to healing, Medical Qigong offers a powerful, non-invasive way to address both acute and long-standing issues.

    Book an appointment today to experience its transformative benefits!

  • During a remote Medical Qigong session, Dee works with your energy system from a distance, using techniques like visualization and focused intention to clear blockages, balance your qi, and promote healing. Even though you're not physically present, energy is not limited by distance, and Dee can still assess and influence your energetic field through guided interaction.

    The session typically begins with a consultation, where you discuss your health concerns and goals. From there, you may be guided through breathing exercises or gentle movements to help open your energy channels.  You will be guided to lie down and the doctor will work with your energy and spirit body remotely as you relax and receive the healing treatment, which can take about 35 mins.

    To continue healing energy, Dee will recommend specific practices, such as "sound prescription exercises." In this case, sound is used to resonate the tissues, vibrate all 3 bodies, physical, energetic and spiritual, and assist in restoring the balance of certain organs or energy pathways in your body. Dee might guide you in using specific sounds or frequencies that are tailored to your individual energetic needs.

    After the treatment, Dee will offer feedback on your energetic state and may provide follow-up recommendations, such as self-care techniques or sound-based prescriptions to practice between sessions. This holistic approach ensures that even remotely, you're receiving comprehensive care designed to support your body’s natural healing process.

  • Yes, Medical Qigong is a safe and gentle practice suitable for people of all ages, fitness levels, and health conditions. Because it works with the body’s energy system, it is non-invasive and can be easily adapted to meet individual needs. Whether you're dealing with a chronic condition, recovering from illness or surgery, or simply looking to maintain your health, Medical Qigong can be customized to support your unique situation.

    Medical Qigong is especially beneficial for individuals who may be sensitive to more aggressive or conventional treatments, as it involves no physical strain or discomfort. The movements are gentle and some can be performed while seated or lying down if necessary. Additionally, the mental and emotional aspects of Medical Qigong, such as focused attention and meditation, make it a holistic practice that promotes both physical and emotional well-being without any risks of adverse effects.

     If you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions, Dee will work with you to ensure a safe and effective experience.

    Whether you're young or elderly, healthy or dealing with a complex condition, Medical Qigong offers a safe, restorative approach to healing and well-being.

  • Yes, Medical Qigong can be easily integrated with a wide range of treatments, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage therapy, and conventional medical care. Because it works with the body’s energy system, it complements these therapies by enhancing balance, boosting the immune system, and improving overall well-being. For instance, combining Medical Qigong with acupuncture or herbal medicine can strengthen their effects, while using it alongside conventional treatments can help manage side effects like fatigue, pain, and stress.

    Always inform your healthcare provider if you're practicing Medical Qigong, so they can ensure it fits well with your overall treatment plan.

  • Regular practice of Medical Qigong offers numerous physical, emotional, and mental benefits. By balancing and strengthening your energy system, it helps increase energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve immune function. Many find relief from chronic pain, such as back pain or arthritis, and enjoy better sleep quality through its calming effects.

    Medical Qigong also supports digestion, enhances circulation, and promotes emotional well-being by releasing tension and fostering inner peace. One of its key benefits is disease prevention, as maintaining a balanced energy system helps your body function optimally, reducing the likelihood of illness. Regular practice can even support longevity and overall vitality.

    Whether you're looking to manage stress, boost your energy, or maintain your health, Medical Qigong is a powerful practice to incorporate into your routine.

    Ready to enjoy these benefits? Book your session today!

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