March 20 - April 3, 2025


Followed by a separate 5 day retreat to Siwa Oasis,
April 3 - 8

Connecting into intuition, clearing the mind & being a vessel for Divine guidance...

In our own personal journey and in the world, the calling to Egypt is to reclaim the truth of who we are
to our deepest authentic nature
to redefine the new unfolding world
wield it according to our higher vision
reaching deep into the past to our ancestral wisdom- to support our highest destiny
moving through the rebirth and regeneration process of initiation
deep alchemical practices- fusing the worlds of somatic and shamanic
opening the gateways with the Neteru to anchor in our individual and collective destiny
continuing to raise the consciousness of humanity…

Welcome to Awakening the Oracle Within
A sacred journey of initiation… a vision quest into the Ancient Mysteries of Kemet

This journey is a uniting of brilliant beings inspired to deepen in their spiritual expansion, elevate the collective consciousness through their personal devotion to love, nourishing the sacred sites & ley lines, laying down offerings, amplifying the planetary grid, helping to heal the Earth & our relations.

We gather in devotion to cleaning up the sacred lands of Egypt & contributing to the restoration of Ma’at on the planet.

Our Initiation Journey is followed by a separate 5 day retreat into the Oracular Oasis of Siwa, deep into the desert of ancient magic.

𓆸 Private Access to all Temples + Sacred Sites

𓆸 Daily integration circles

𓆸 1:1 preparation session with Dee + 1:1 session in Egypt with Ariana or Mahina

𓆸 Night time dream work at the Temple of Dendera with Blue Lotus

𓆸 Sacred Oils Workshop in Cairo

𓆸 Full Concierge Service 24/7 during the tour

𓆸 Nightly lodging in beautiful accommodations

𓆸 7 day Nile cruise on dahabya boats with personal chef & crew

𓆸 All meals with beverages included (alcohol *not* included)

𓆸 Sacred Scribe Workbook

𓆸 Camel rides at the Giza plateau

𓆸 Guided tour of the Egyptian Museum

𓆸 3 month pre-pilgrimage online preparation training + post-pilgrimage integration calls

𓆸 High Priestess & Dr. Dee Kennedy as your guide (18 years experience of sacred journeys/travel in Egypt)

𓆸 Mahina Alexander & Dr. Ariana Gonzalez as featured guest teachers

𓆸 Joined daily by Egyptology expert Ehab Khalil

𓆸 Egyptian Alchemy shamanic meditations + temple initiations (lineage of Ma’at and Thoth) at 13 temples + Pyramids

𓆸 All internal flights, ground transfers & transportation (international flights *not* included)

𓆸 A portion of proceeds will be donated to The Olive Alliance - supporting food sovereignty in Palestine


  • March 20, Day 1 ~ Welcome Home to Egypt

    We will pick you up at your arrival time at Cairo International Airport on the day of March 20th, whether you arrive on this date or sooner. Our team will get you checked in & to your beautiful room at the Hyatt Regency Cairo West.

    Take a swim in the pool, acclimate & fully arrive. Opening circle is in the early evening for introduction and our first group meditation. We ask that you please select flights that allow you to be present for the opening circle.

  • Sunrise Ceremony at the Sphinx

    March 21, Day 2 ~ Sphinx Sunrise, Sacred Oils Workshop

    Good morning & welcome to our private sunrise visit to the Sphinx. Here we'll do our opening ceremony and protection meditation with the cosmic connector and energetic wisdom keeper of the mysteries, along with Zero Chakra writing work.

    After breakfast we'll be on to our first workshop. At one of Cairo's best perfumeries with oil expert Gamal, we will be led though the history & benefits of perfumes & oils in Egypt for healing & balancing the chakras. Here we will have the opportunity to purchase unique personal blends & chakra oils.

  • Philae Temple of Isis

    March 22, Day 3 ~ Cairo Museum & Flight to Aswan

    After check-out from the Hyatt Giza, we'll go on a guided journey through the Cairo Museum with our master Egyptologist, Ehab Khalil.

    Onwards to Aswan via a short flight, to board our private dahabiya Nile boats that we'll call home for the next week.

  • March 23, Day 4 ~ Philae Temple of Isis

    This magnificent day is of the feminine- healing the divine feminine within, and the matriarchal lineage as we work with the twin sisters, Isis & Nephthys who represent the shadow & light. We'll visit both the original, sunken temple location as well as the restored full-scale site for our private ceremonies.

    Next is Elephantine Island with one of the creation Gods, the ram headed potter, Khnum. This shamanic journey focuses on healing ancestral trauma through group energy, as we’ll also be working with the morphogenic field.

  • March 24, Day 5 ~ Kom Ombo & Edfu Temples

    At the glorious, dualistic temple of Kom Ombo, we encounter the adversarial allies of evolution, adaptation & creation: Sobek & Horus. They represent another aspect of the shadow & light within ourselves and will be our allies in our 2nd chakra work. Here, we are bringing forth our destiny, exploring life purpose and nourishing the kidneys through somatic practices.


In the evening, we’ll journey to the beautiful town of Edfu and directly to the stunning temple dedicated to the God Horus. Here we'll have our guided shamanic journey & 3rd chakra scribe work of the solar plexus with Horus as a higher consciousness elder who empowers us to find our truth telling & personal power. We will work with the stomach and spleen to awaken our Solar radiance in the temple of the Sun.

  • March 25, Day 6 ~ BioGeometry Workshop & Integration Day

    The featured event during this integration day is our BioGeometry workshop with Mona Hossny- a modern teaching of the resurrected ancient Egyptian temple science. What a gift to receive this transmission in person, floating along the Nile!

    The remainder of the day is dedicated to rejuvenation through free time, journaling, sun tanning, and connecting with your fellow voyagers.

    Taking in the views of the Nile and spending your time as your heart feels called, is a special part of the initiation that supports your integration of this mystical journey.

  • March 26, Day 7 ~ Karnak Temple of Sekhmet & Dendera Temple of Hathor

    Rise and shine at Karnak Temple- the largest temple complex in the world. Here we'll come face to face with the mighty Sekhmet & her living statue. Sekhmet is a daughter of the Sun and emissary of the sacred flame who embodies the wisdom of destruction and healing, unconditional compassion and fierce love. Communion with her is often a prolific experience for initiates as her Ka (energy) is preserved in this sacred chapel and palpably alive.

    In the evening we enter the Dendera temple complex of Hathor- Goddess of music, dance, childbirth, pregnancy & associated with the Pleiades. Here we'll do our 4th chakra scribe work & shamanic journey along with exploration of the underground crypt & Isis chapel.

  • Abydos Temple

    March 27, Day 8 ~ Abydos Temple of Seti I, Osirion

    At Abydos, we visit the mortuary temple of Seti I, dedicated to 7 deities. At the Osirian temple, dedicated to Osiris (oldest known temple in Egypt) we'll seal the lower chakras & expand through a Flower of Life Merkaba activation.

    This is a sacred site that all Ancient Egyptians had to pilgrimage to at least once in their life.

    This is one of very few temples still standing from pre-dynastic times with potent coding and access to these ancient memories from an older civilization.

  • March 28, Day 9 ~ Integration & Sailing Day

    Enjoy another day of integration on our exquisite sailboats where oracular workshops will be held.

    The boat will mostly be sailing, but also quite often will be beached on small islands whose ancient sand we can dig our toes into, watch the sunset from and explore in nature’s silence.

  • March 29, Day 10 ~ Queen Hatshepsut's Temple

    For those interested in a magical hot air balloon ride over the Valley of the Kings & Queens, it will be optional and available this morning at sunrise.

    Later in the morning, we head to Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple. Hatshepsut was the first female pharoah of Egypt with a glorious reign of over 20 years. She was one of Egypt’s most prolific leaders, and a mighty woman who truly anchored the ministry of Ma’at unto the country. We will also have the pleasure of visiting the and Memnon Colossi and Alabaster Factory

    We will check out of our beloved Nile boats and root into the ground at the Hilton in Luxor for a free afternoon of settling and integration.

  • March 30, Day 11 ~ Luxor Temple

    We journey for morning ceremony to Luxor Temple- the “Temple of Man” who’s configuration is fascinatingly designed to mirror that of the human body. Simply walking through the corridors of this exquisite temple can realign the energetics of our body.

    We’ll then enjoy free time in the beautiful town of Luxor for optional shopping in the local market for delectable traditional items like dresses, rugs, incense, lamps, herbs and so much more.

  • hyatt cairo

    March 31, Day 12 ~ Return to Cairo

    We will depart our Luxor hotel and return to our beginning point- Cairo via another short flight. The remainder of the day is dedicated to relaxation and integration.

  • April 1, Day 13 ~ Saqqara Temple Complex

    The ancient Step & Unas Pyramids and Saqqara Complex invite us into a shamanic journey with Gods/Goddesses Anubis, Sekhmet, Ma'at, Thoth & Nekhbet-Mut. We will be working most closely with Anubis and full expression of our creativity and the 5th chakra.


The glorious pyramid texts hold powerful initiations for guidance for the soul’s multidimensional travels, as well as the vault for the funerary guidance for the beloved deceased.

  • April 2, Day 14 ~ Great Pyramid Initiation & Camel Ride

    This potent day begins with pre-sunrise visit to the Giza Plateau where we'll have a 2 hour private session inside the Queen’s & King’s Chambers of the Great Pyramid.

    This initiation is the capstone of our journey together, the sacred peak which the experience has built up to. This ritual & initiation with Ma'at & Thoth, 6th & 7th chakra activations may be the highlight of your journey in Egypt. Followed by a ride on camel back in the fibonacci sequence through the desert, Valley Temple, we’ll end back where we began- the beloved guardian, the Sphinx.

    This day completes the Shamanic Journey aspect of our pilgrimage as we seal our sacred circle of initiation.

  • April 3, Day 15~ Departure or Siwa Oasis

    Our journey is complete. As we’ve bid farewell to the Neteru, made our sacred offerings and sealed our journey together, you will be sent off from beloved Egypt with blessings on this day, April 3, or the evening before, whichever you choose. You'll be escorted to the Cairo International Airport 3 hours prior to your flight time.

    For those continuing onwards to Siwa for the optional add-on journey, we will begin our opening ceremony at the Sphinx, followed by travels to the oasis.

We are honored to be joined by Mona Hossny for a rare, in person BioGeometry workshop aboard our Nile boat.

BioGeometry is a modern science that offers to balance the energy-quality of our lives, environment and technology. The applied science of BioGeometry® integrates the universal laws and natural dynamics of living energy systems that have been largely ignored in our modern civilization at the expense of our health and well-being. BioGeometry is based on a Physics of Quality, which includes a growing body of knowledge and scientific research that integrates, rather than divides our world-view, thus narrowing the gap between the energy manifestations of spirituality and science.

Has been assisting Dr. Ibrahim Karim in BioGeometry research, projects, courses and published material in both English and Arabic languages since 1998.

After acquiring her Bachelor degree in Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo, she did free studies in many fields of interest like Ancient and contemporary religions and doctrines, Astrology, Sufism, Numerology, Quantum Physics, Ancient civilizations and schools of mysticism. Mona worked in the field of Art and the field of publishing; organized cultural and Art events and exhibitions and was the Executive Editor of ‘Eternal Egypt’ magazine for Egyptian heritage published by Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

She is now a Holistic Health Coach; certified practitioner of:
BioGeometry (Instructor & Practitioner), Eating Psychology, Reiki, Body Mirror, ⁠Enneagram, ⁠NLP.

We are elated to have Mona as a guest presenter of this profoundly elevating and transformative science-wisdom.

We are proud to donate a portion of proceeds to The Olive Alliance - a Mediterranean collective raising funds through the preservation of ancient ethnobotany traditions in support of food sovereignty in Palestine.

Add-on retreat following the Sacred Initiation Journey
April 3 - 8

Dr. Dee Kennedy has a diverse background in healing arts, energetic practices and spiritual trainings since 2001.
These include Shamanic practices, Alchemical Healing, Reiki, Bio Geometry, Non-denominational Mindfulness Meditation facilitation, Celtic and Egyptian ritual and shamanic leadership, studies/practices in Tibetan Buddhism, Shaolin Kung-Fu, Daoism and dream training.

She is an Ordained and Initiated Mystic High Priestess, initiated into the Celtic and Egyptian Lineages, having trained for over 10 years. She is also an Ordained Gnostic Mystic Priestess, having trained for 3 years. Dee has been training, traveling and leading spiritual tours in Egypt since 2006.

A founder of the former non-profit arts organization, Living Dream Arts, which provided free arts education to at-risk youth in the Bay Area from 2009-2017, Dee is an active artist in music and film, is a painter, actress, writer and also has a jewellery line- The Eyes of Eve.

She is Associate Producer on an award winning film, Guitar Man, and Consulting Producer on award winning short film, Hatshepsut-
about the incredible 18th Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh.

Dee completed her 5-year Doctorate in Chinese Energetic Medicine - Medical Qigong, under the tutelage of world renowned Qigong Grandmaster, Professor Jerry Alan Johnson, in August of 2024, year of the Dragon.

Dee has been featured for her work in Mamma Milano, Yolo Journal, and Harpers Bazaar.

Mahina Alexander

Mahina Alexander is a mother, mystic, and devoted student of Life, MA'AT; Master Alchemy and Ascension Training and The Academy of Oracle Arts.
She is a Native Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian & Maori) Polynesian woman with Filipino, Greek, Italian, African, Mesopotamian/Iranian, German, French, Scottish and Irish blood in her veins.
For the past decade, she has delved deep into the indigenous wisdom of her ancestors, synthesizing their teachings with modern practices to mentor men, women and adolescents on re-parenting themselves through guided meditations and healing Higher Self Conversational transmissions she calls GaiaLogue.
Mahina's conscious connection with the unseen world started early on. The challenges she faced lead to out of body & ND experiences woven throughout her early life lead her on a journey of self-discovery, radical healing, authenticity and spiritual growth.
She is passionate about empowering others to connect with and expand on their inner unseen selves and embrace their personal expression of Truth within the symphony of life.
As a writer, public speaker, artist and guide, Mahina shares her wisdom and insights with people of all ages, through media as well as within 1:1 sessions and retreat settings.
Her work is a testament to the transformative power of connecting with the unseen world and embracing one's true potential guided by the Most High. She hopes to be a beacon of light and wisdom, guiding others on their path through healing and transformation.
Mahina is currently working on a new project that is very dear to her heart. You may stay in touch with her through Instagram or book a session with the Calendly link in her IG bio.

Offerings in Egypt:
Integration circle discourse 
Embodied archetype + movement practice 
Transmissions and guided meditations
1:1 Gaialogue sessions

Ariana Gonzalez is a Psychic Intuitive who has built a thriving practice centered around holistic healing and personal transformation. Drawing on her extensive educational background, including a Doctorate in Chinese Energetic Medicine from Bian Hua Gong (The Temple of Change and Transformation), Ariana is devoted to empowering her clients to achieve optimal health and well-being in person and remotely. 

With over a decade of experience in metaphysical Intuitive work and a remarkable 2,000(+) hours of clinical work in Medical Qigong Therapy, Ariana possesses a wealth of expertise she brings to every session. Her unwavering commitment to her clients' journey and her deep desire to help them rediscover their true radiance is inspiring. Through her compassionate and intuitive approach, Ariana creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to heal, grow, and reconnect with their authentic selves.

Website: / Instagram: @anu.reads

Offerings in Egypt:
1-1 sessions
Oracle practices and divination workshops
Qigong practices

Feeling called? Apply today. Spaces limited & reserved on a first come, first served basis.

We give thanks
to all who have walked the path of Love & Light before us,
and to all those who walk with us.

We give thanks
to all who have come from beyond the veil to guide our way
at this important & joyous time.

Our wish
is to be one small part of the great Divine unfolding in this exciting new age
where we all are at peace & live in harmony with all of life as One.