Interview With Jj & Dee

Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Dee's Egyptian tours

Sacred Temples in Eygpt

In a fascinating interview with Jj, Dee shares her expertise and the intricate details of her tours. Get ready to experience the magnificence and history of Egypt like never before. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

J.J.: Hi, Dee! Tell us about the focus of the trips you lead in Egypt.

D.K.: The main theme of the sacred initiation journeys is rebirth, meaning that participants can experience a spiritual transformation to take them to the next level of their awareness, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness. This is achieved through purification, forgiveness, and cultivation practices fol- lowing the flow of energy of the temples and the Nile, and through offerings known as “sacred reciprocity.” I weave in many modalities that I am trained in that support this process of rebirth—outside of the Egyptian Mysteries but in congruence, like Qigong, Energetic Medicine, Alchemical Healing, and Gnostic and Hermetic meditation and ascension practices (though the latter three all have roots in Egypt).

High Priestess training in the pyramids of Egypt

Group of women on a Sacred Tour on camelback in front of Egyptian pyramids

J.J. Why do you go to only temples and no tombs?

D.K. For the chakra work we stay on the east side of the Nile, which is where all the temples are, because the Egyptians saw the east of the Nile as the home of the rising sun, which represented life, whereas the west side was the entrance to the Duat, which represented death. However, we do enter the Pyramid of Unas, which is both a tomb and a temple and was used by the Priests/Priest-esses for revival/rebirthing rituals.

High priestess guiding through the sacred sites Egypt

J.J. What is a high priestess and how did you become one?

D.K. A high priestess is someone who has taken lifelong vows to uphold Ma’at (order, harmony, balance, truth), to be in service to the Light, and is protected by the guardians of the lineages. A High Priestess can train priests/esses— give them exorcism training, teach them rites for ascension, maintain a spiri- tual community, give last rites, officiate weddings/birthing ceremonies, and has the tools and training to navigate the Spirit World. I trained for seven years to become a high priestess.

Egyptian High Priestess standing in the doorway of a sacred Egyptian temple

The High Priestess, Dee holding sacred symbols while in the temple

Recently, by total serendipity, I connected with a hermetic and Gnostic Abbot, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, who has beautifully excavated the original teachings of Christian mysticism. He is also an ordained Daoist Abbot, so he brings in the breadth and depth of these shamanic prac-tices. I was ordained a priest by him last November.

I was raised Catholic and have been a Mary Magdalene devotee for a long time, so it was a full circle to learn the true teachings. I bring a lot of this training into what we do on the trip, because it came from Egypt. Jesus himself did a lot of training there—he took his first steps as a baby in Egypt, where his family fled to safety, and it was also where the holy family fled after he was crucified. Egypt was a sanctuary for them, and they were very deeply connected here with support. I learned from Dr. Johnson’s research that Jesus was a Nazarene, which is a mystic Jewish sect—not referring to Nazareth, which is what we were taught in school. He was a Mystic, true and true. This made so much sense to me, and unpacking all of it was both shocking and enlightening at once!

But things for me really started many years ago. There’s a Neter called Thoth, the God of wisdom—represented as a man with an ibis-bird head. He started viscerally showing up in my life in my early twenties. At the time I was doing a lot of theater and I eventually wrote a full-length musical dictated through him, which was about all the tribes of the earth coming back together to create harmony in the world. We ran the show over two years in San Francisco. Eventually, working with Thoth led me to Egypt because he was so full on! This opened a new gateway, though looking back I would have loved a sacred journey like the ones I now run to help me learn, activate, purify, and to safely hold me in a sacred container while moving through these big rebirth initiations.

Ancient Egyptian pyramids

When I first came to Egypt, I met a man and fell in love. He ran a large tour company and wanted me to work with him and of course move to Egypt. He suggested I do something around spiritual tourism in Egypt, which was very limited in the early 2000s. I started researching and I came across this beautiful paper by Edgar Casey, the “sleeping prophet.” He’s also the godfather of holistic medicine. He used to go into trances and talk about ancient Egypt, Atlantis, and other ancient civilizations. I found an Egyptologist who was part of the Edgar Casey Foundation and read this beautiful paper about the chakras of the temples. And I just lit up when I read it.

At the time I had been learning about the chakras and understanding energetics in the body. I brought it to my fiancé and I was like, can we do the tour this way? And he said, well, the boats always go from Luxor down to Aswan, you’re going the other way. But it’s actually the flow of the Nile, which is the flow of the raised Sekhem/Kund- alini in the body. So, I brought this paper to life and built a tour around it.

Eventually, I brought girlfriends to test it out and we all went through a rebirth, every single one of us. Big things shifted around for us all after it. That’s the process of this journey, to go through a regeneration, a resurrection, and a rebirth. You’ll be put through the trials and the fires, but it’s all beautiful. You get an expansion of consciousness that you didn’t have before, an opening, a next level awakening in your spiritual evolution, and through the purification process, you literally have more internal energetic space.

Sacred Tours Held in Egyptian Temples

Sacred Tours held in and around Egyptian Temples

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Hymns To Sekhmet


Hymn to the Nile 𓆸