Goddess Sekhmet & God Ptah

Sekhmet and Ptah: The Divine Artisans

Ptah, revered as the creator god and patron of craftsmen and architects, holds a significant place in Egyptian cosmogony. Often depicted as a mummified figure holding a scepter combining ankh (symbol of life) and djed (symbol of stability), Ptah embodies the creative force that brought the universe into being through his thoughts and words. His association with Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt, underscores his role as a unifying deity and a divine craftsman.

Sekhmet, on the other hand, represents the fierce lioness goddess of war, healing, and protection. She is depicted with the head of a lioness, often crowned with the sun disc and uraeus (cobra), symbolizing her power and authority. Sekhmet’s dual nature as a bringer of both destruction and healing highlights her complex persona and her role in maintaining cosmic balance.

Mirror the energies of Goddess Sekhmet, and God Ptah -
Sekhmet assists us in radical transformation, healing (she is the patron of Physicians and healers), finding our strength, and aligns us deeper with our life mission and our inner fire... Ptah assists in the dreaming up the new world and bringing/speaking those dreams into creation.

Sekhmet and ptah in the temple of Seti I in the chapel of Ptah, Abydos

Sekhmet transmitting energy in support to her beloved Ptah. Took this in the temple of Seti I in the chapel of Ptah, Abydos, on our recent sacred journey.

The union of Ptah and Sekhmet symbolizes the synthesis of creation and destruction, the fundamental forces that shape existence. Their relationship suggests a divine partnership where Ptah’s creative impulse is tempered and guided by Sekhmet’s fierce protection and transformative powers. Together, they embody the cycle of life, death, and rebirth inherent in Egyptian cosmology.

Sekhmet and Ptah represent the necessary and complimentary forces of Creation and Destruction, the Yang and Yin forces, which together bring forth their lotus born enlightened child, Nefertum - referring to The middle path/balance.


Hymn to Ptah


Invocation to Goddess Hathor