Invocation to Goddess Hathor

Egyptian Dieties, Hathor

Goddess Hathor Art by Brynn Elizabeth

𓄋Horned Goddess,

Cow-eyed lady,
You who appreciate your comforts,
You whose music spreads love
And harmony,
Nourish us with the understanding
That there can never be too much love
That it is an inexhaustible supply
That there will always be more where it came from.
Gracious goddess of the flowering fields,
Lady whose love thrives like green pasture,
You keep your home at the last outpost of Life,
On the road to the Underworld,
Where you give the traveling Dead their last meal,
And their last touch of Love.
Cow-eyed goddess,
Horned Lady,
Give forth your wisdom
Like mother’s milk
And we will be grateful for it.

~Invocation to Goddess Hathor


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