Trinity of Goddess
Hathor is the Goddess of beauty, music, dance, joy, love and merriment.
Hathor is the benevolent and very Ancient Mother Goddess of the Neteru.
Closely associated with Isis and Nut.
Her cow horns are that of the water buffalo, seen all along the Nile - such gentle and placid creatures.
Cows are also revered in Hinduism, similarly attributing to mother Goddess Aditi, and Bhoomi is usually shown in the form of a cow. She represents the Earth.
Hathor is part of a trinity of Goddesses, with Sekhmet and Bast.
She shape shifts into Sekhmet, her fierce nature, when angered, and also when healing is needed, Sekhmet is both the poison and the medicine.
As the divine midwife, Bast or Bastet is conjured, assisting in transformation.
There are many ways to embody the teachings of the NTRs, the Divine Principles of the forces of nature. Daily practices are so beneficial as you will begin to see how the archetypes and symbols play out in your own life and how you can turn to them for support + inspiration. Solar, lunar and cosmological practices take you into the nuances, to innerstand the different NTR forces-, their expressions and all the myriad ways they play out in the world's above and the world's within.