Summer Solstice Blessings!

The Scarab beetle

The Illumination of the High Holy Day of Solstice

The celebration of the zenith of the Light, the longest day and the shortest night of our year and is celebrated on June 20th for Northern Hemisphere dwellers.

Those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the High Holy day of Winter Solstice and the return of the light/Sun - the shortest day and longest night. This year, the exact time of the Solstice is June 20, 2024 at 1:50pm PST, and also the 20th is the day the sun moves into the sign of Cancer.

In Gaelic, Solstice is 'Grianstad', literally 'Sun-stop'. The Latin word Solstice is (sol for “Sun” and sistere “to stand still”), so Solstice is the point where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky.

Solstice time invites a pause for celebration and introspection.

Summer sunset over the water

Summer Solstice Sun

There are many Solar Gods and Goddesses in the Egyptian Pantheon - The Neteru. One of my favourite is Khepri, the scarab God.


Amun, Atum, Khepri, Ra,
One who made Himself millions,
Ptah-tatenen of Zep-Tepi.
You made yourself with your own hands,
By your own Will.

- Hymn to Khepri


Khepri is an aspect of Ra, and a self created God, representing the cycles of movement and change, hard work, and ever striving towards illumination from out of the darkness.

A Neter we can work closely with during times of great upheaval, change and transformation, where we must harness all our strength and creativity to push through the dung, through the darkness, to the face of the rising sun (next level) and bring our seeds (creativity/solutions) to life and to light.

Khepri, dung beetle.

Khepri, the humble dung beetle, works actually in pairs, male and female, where it is the male that pushes the dung ball with the eggs inside laid by the female, and she follows closely behind, protecting. Dua Khepri.

The dung beetle is the strongest insect in the world, and when looked at their strength in relation to their body weight, in fact, they are the strongest animal in the world. They can lift a staggering 1,100 times their own weight! For humans that would be the equivalent of carrying 80 tons!!

What traits of great Kephri, the dung beetle God are you welcoming into your life at this time?

May you enjoy the beautiful celebration of this High Holy Day!



In the Spirit of Ma’at,


Trinity of Goddess


Exploring the Divine Duality: Goddess Sekhmet and Hathor