Sacred Scribes Treasury

Decompression Calls Schedule

Call 1- November 17
Watch the Recording


Call 2- December 8
Watch the Recording


Reading Recommendations

  • Awakening Osiris, Egyptian book of the dead - Normandi Ellis. 
    A brilliant teacher, Normandi is dear to my heart. This is her prolific translation of the book of the dead that I read from during our ceremonies and meditations. Recommend ALL of her research and books. (she has a lot, they are all incredible!) 

  • Emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantean: For 2012 and beyond - Ashalyn

    I know Ashalyn and value her work in Mount Shasta.


  • Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - Dr. Doreal (Older translation)

  • Kabbalistic, alchemical and occult symbolism of the Great Pyramid - Dr. Doreal

  • The Ancient secret of the flower of life, volumes 1 and 2 - Drunvalo Melchizedek

  • Edgar Cayce's Egypt

  • The Hermetica -the lost wisdom of the Pharaohs - Timothy Freke

  • Nothing in this book is true but is exactly how things are.  (new edition is now available too!) - Bob Frissell. 

    Bob is one of my former teachers and I highly recommend all of his works. He is a pioneer in re-birthing, which he now calls Breath of life. Workshops are rare with him now, but get on his email list for great shares and he is Sonoma, CA and does One on One sessions, in person and on zoom.

  • Back to a Future for Mankind + Bio Geometry signatures - Dr. Ibrahim Karim

    Egyptian temple science and how to apply it in your homes and life. Highly recommend. I am personal friends with the Karim family and they are heart-centered brilliant people, and their work is centered on valuable solutions for eco-system protection and restoration, internally and externally.  Those who attended the workshop on the boat got a taste of some of the key concepts and usage.   The books are really brilliant and well worth having.

  • Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, The Anubis Oracle, Sekhmet: in the belly of the goddess, all by Nicki Scully.

    Nicki is one of my beloved previous teachers. Highly recommend all of her books.

  • Serpent in the Sky, The Travelers Key to Ancient Egypt. - John Anthony West.  

    The late, great, John is just amazing. That's it.  Recommend all his books, and everything he has put his research into, like the Magical Egypt series, is phenomenal.

    Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts - Jeremy Naydler. 

  • The Magdalene Manuscript - Tom Kenyon. 

    Recommend everything he has available and all his audios and channeling. Particularly his work with The Hathors. 

  • The Temple of Man, Sacred Science - Schwaller de Lubiz. 

    Everything and anything to do with Schwaller and his wife Issa, who also has a lot of brilliant books, I highly recommend them all.  

  • Egyptian Mysteries - Lucie Lamy

  • Omm Sety - Jonathan Cott.

    Brilliant book on a brilliant magical woman and a great insight into Abydos temple.

  • Initiation - Elisabeth Haich

  • Fingerprints of the Gods, Hidden mysteries of the Sphinx - Graham Hancock. 

  • The Orion Mystery - Robert Bauval.

  • Spirit in the Sky - Rn Vooght. 

  • Origins of the Sphinx - Robert Schoch and Robert Bauval

  • The Lord of Eternity - Richard Ford

  • The Giza Prophesy - Gary Osborne and Scott Creighton

  • The Giza Powerplant - Christopher Dunn

  • Philomath - Robert Edward Grant

  • Eternal Egypt - Richard Reidy

  • The Goddess Sekhmet - Robert Masters

  • The Lost years of Jesus - Elizabeth Claire Prophet 

Mystic Materials

The 9 Bodies


Morning Meditation with God Thoth

In the Thoth practice the 3 awakening sounds of the 3 dantiens, the chambers within the body that pool all of our energy. You will notice a difference from the time you sit to practice to the time you open your eyes. 

God of the Moon, Mathematics, Magic, medicine, astronomy, writing, architecture, geometry, keeper of time, and God of Wisdom!
As the keeper of Time, Thoth marks time throughout the months, seasons, and the lunar sidereal calendar from Sothis was based on this cycle. Thoth was the Lunar God who helped keep things in order. Even our modern day calendar is a derivative of the calendar from the ancient world, so you can say that Thoth is still working with us through our sacred holidays.

Thoth’s Egyptian name was Djehuty—He Who is Like the Ibis.
He is an Ibis headed God.
The Ibis is a sacred bird associated with wisdom, which sadly is no longer in Egypt since the building of the Aswan Dam. They have the ability to kill poisonous snakes, so they were highly revered for this.
The center of the teachings of Thoth was in the city of Khnum or Khemenu, later called Hermopolis,

He is the keeper of records in the afterlife, noting what the person did with their precious life on earth, and if their heart is as light as the feather of Ma'at, so they may continue on to be with Osiris and go to the Field of Reeds (the Egyptian version of Heaven).

Thoth is the teacher’s teacher.


Night time Meditation with the Beautiful Goddess Seshat

Seshat is the beloved of Thoth, Scribe Goddess and record keeper.
She assists us with writing, works of art, helps to create solid foundations and accurate alliances with our stellar energies. Also, a Goddess of astronomy, astrology and architecture.

She is revered throughout Egypt in temples assisting the Pharaoh in correct measurements for construction, and keeps record of where everything is; liturgies, sacred texts, + words actions and deeds recorded in the akashic records. Complementary to Thoth who is also God of writing (and many other attributes, Wisdom, Geometry, Mathematics, Magic), they work together as the masculine and feminine principles to create the perfect order, Geometry and foundation for Ma'at to reign.

Enjoy ending your day with an alignment to this energy within you, like all the Neteru, they are Divine aspects/forces of Nature - parts of you.