A Practice Honoring Mother Goddesses

The Two Ladies - Nekhbet -

Sacred Ancient Egyptian Stone of the two ladies tale

Sacred Egyptian stone with craving of the two ladies

The grandmother Crone, relates to themes of protection, birth, rebirth, death, transformation, ancestors, destiny, wisdom, I Am, strengthening the Ka practices, cultivating Sekhem practices, And Wadjet, the serpent Goddess - The Divine Awakener - symbolic of our life force energy, which was called Sekhem in ancient Egypt and is known in other cultures as our Qi, Prana, Kundalini, Wadjet keeps one real with oneself, and assists us in the continuing process of deepening our intuitive skills.

More information on this image.

Virgo is associated with Nekhbet in Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, and with Wadjet Dendera astrology.

A practice honoring these mother goddesses, is reciting the ancient Hymn of the 7 Goddesses:

Light your favourite incense upon awakening, and speaking through the prism of your 7 chakras:

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Isis awake in life!

Awake Isis, with many names, Great One of magic, Lady of life on this beautiful day, who gives life to millions, in peace!

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Hathor awake in life!

Awake Hathor, Lady of jubilation, who shines as gold, Mistress of turquoise, for whom the Gods dance, in peace!

Awake Hathor, Lady of jubilation, who shines as gold, Mistress of turquoise, for whom the Gods dance, in peace!

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

Goddess Hathor in an ancient Egyptian temple

Goddess Hathor (AI image)

May Neith awake in life!

Awake Neith, Creator of heaven, earth, underworld, waters and mountains, Lady of cities and fields, whose beauty fills the sky, in peace!

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Bastet awake in life!

wautful sistress, noble powertu, one, in peated Arum,

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Wadjet awake in life!

Awake Wadjet, Lady of the earth, who dispels darkness, magnificent cobra who rises on the head of Ra, in peace!

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Nekhbet awake in life!

Awake Nekhbet, Lady of love, white vulture, noble vulture, foremost of stars upon her seat, in peace!

Awake in Peace! May you awake beautifully in peace!

May Maat awake in life!

Awake Maat, Lady of heaven, who drives away evil, Lady of truth, Mistress of all lands, in peace!


How Hathor Transformed


Sa Sekhem Sahu