How Hathor Transformed

A short story about Hathor, the cow headed goddess of love, who transforms to Sekhmet when angry towards humans' disobedience, and comes to bring cosmic order, healing, balance and integrity back to Earth.

AI generated image of goddess Hathor transforming into the lioness goddess Sekhmet

AI generated image of Hathor transforming into Sekhmet.

Ra, the sun god felt hurt by how humans were rebelling not living in accordance with the principles of Ma'at, meaning balance, justice and integrity. He had his daughter Hathor become a warrior to stop the rebellion. And once a bull is angry they see all red, rampaging and destroying everything in their sight. She transforms to a bloodthirsty lioness that devours everyone in her path.

Fiery sekhmet engulfed in flames

Fiery lioness goddess Sekhmet engulfed in flames. 

In the stories it's said the gods gather together to stop her killing spree as it got out of hand, they decide to get her drunk so she forgets her mission to save mankind. They color the beer red to resemble blood, leaving a big pool next to her during her sleep. Once Sekhmet woke up, she seen the pool and drank so much that she became too drunk to continue on, which lead to saving the world.

As time goes by, humans worshiped her, loving her for her wake up call and healing. Having close connections, she becomes more gentle/ domesticated later on, being known as Bastet, the cat goddess of sensuality, joy and protection. There are many stories interpreted differently. I've had beautiful connections with them to see the version I speak of.

art of ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet lounging with cats

Art of tame Sekhmet lounging with cats by Julia Cellini

Thus the Great Mother is uroboric: terrible and devouring, beneficent and creative; a helper, but also alluring and destructive; a maddening enchantress, yet a bringer of wisdom; bestial and divine, voluptuous harlot and inviolable virgin, immemorially old and eternally young.
— -Erich Neumann

Autumn Equinox


A Practice Honoring Mother Goddesses