Autumn Equinox

Also known as Mabon,

— the Autumn Equinox —

The solar observation of the point of equal day & night,

a cross quarter of the year,

opposite Ostara- the Spring Equinox,

& 1 of the 8 spokes on the Wheel of the Year.

It peaks, September 22, 2024, at 5:44 PST (08:44 a.m. EDT)

Autumn Equinox is where we celebrate our Full Harvest…

honouring the manifestations of our year, all that we have achieved, cultivated, and what we have reaped from what we have sown.

It is a reflection point and a celebration.

We look within and ask:
How have I spiritually grown?
How have I used that cultivation for the betterment of humanity?
How have I been of service?


In ancient Egypt, this time of year celebrated one of the most ancient and honored Goddesses of the Egyptian Neteru - Goddess Hathor.
Hathor means House of Horus -  Het Heru or Het Hert in ancient Egyptian, Hathor in Greek.

Hathor’s divine attributes encompass healing, love, joy, dance, music, intoxication, celebration, and motherhood. She was known as the Mother of Mothers and the Celestial Nurse who presided over women, fertility, children, and childbirth.  Hathor is the Lady of Gold, midwife to the newborn, and conversely midwife to the newly deceased

The goddess was known as the Mistress of the West, Mistress of turquoise, and Mistress of Foreign Lands.

Hathor was depicted as a woman with the head of a cow, ears of a cow, or simply as a cow.  Her beautiful face adorns welcomes one into her temple complex at Dendera, and the shape of her head on her statues represents the uterus and ovaries.

Hathor is often depicted with a sistrum in her hand– a musical instrument which makes a noise like a tambourine. 

Enjoy a beautiful Hymn from her stunning and powerful Temple in Dendera below, and an invitation for you to connect to your inner Hathor through movement, music and the heart.

For this practice, you are encouraged to clap your hands, or have a percussion instrument handy!

Breathe into your heart for several breaths.

Breathe in radiant divine light, and let all the many things in your life that you are grateful for overflow this light from the center of your heart and encompass your entire space.

Coming from the center of your heart, envision 7 lights swirling around in a spiral motion.

After some breaths, take out your percussion instrument and make some noise! Get into a rhythm and as much as possible, close your eyes, still envisioning the 7 lights swirling and dancing inside your heart.

When you feel ready, with a HUGE smile on your face, recite the following excerpt of the Hymn of the Seven Hathors, from the Temple of Dendera.

With sincerity, feel the words ripple through you:


We play the tambourine for your ka,
We dance for your majesty
We exalt you – to the height of heaven.
You are the Mistress of Sekhem, the menat and the sistrum The Mistress of Music for whose ka one lays
We praise your majesty every day
From dusk until the Earth grows light,
We rejoice in your countenance, O Mistress of Dendera.
We praise you with song.
You are the lady of Jubilation, the Mistress of the Iba dance, The Lady of Music, the Mistress of Harp playing,
The Lady of Dancing, the Mistress of Tying on Garlands, The Lady of Myrrh and the Mistress of Leaping.

We glorify your majesty – we give praise before your face. We exalt your power over the Gods and Goddesses. You are the Lady of Hymns,
The Mistress of the Library – the Great Seshat.
At the head of the Mansion of Records,
We propitiate your majesty every day.
Your heart rejoices at hearing our songs.
We rejoice when we see you, day by day.
Our hearts are jubilant when we see your majesty, You are the Lady of Garlands, the Mistress of Dance, The Lady of Unending Drunkenness.
We rejoice before your face, we play for your ka.
Your heart rejoices over our performance.

Leave an offering in nature in honour of Hathor this equinox, celebrating all you are grateful for and all that fills your heart and life with joy and magic.


The Power of Medical Qigong


How Hathor Transformed